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Towards NousNav Major Version Release
Key Investigators
- Sam Horvath (Kitware, Inc., USA)
- Colton Barr (Queen's University / Brigham and Women's Hospital, Canada)
- Sarah Frisken (Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA)
- Sonia Pujol (Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA)
- Steve Pieper (Isomics, Inc., USA)
- Tina Kapur (Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA)
- Alex Golby (Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA)
Presenter location: In-person
Project Description
NousNav is an ongoing project led by Dr. Alex Golby at Brigham and Women’s Hospital to build and disseminate a low-cost neuronavigation system. Built as a 3D Slicer Custom App, NousNav uses low cost optical tracking (Optitrack Duo) in combination with custom optically-tracked tools and reference arrays to facilitate patient registration, procedure planning, and navigation.
For this project we are going to finalize remaining issues on the tracker to move towards a 1.0 release
- Triage existing issues into a major/minor release tasks
- Clear issues for the 1.0 Release
Approach and Plan
Major tasks to work on:
- DICOM patient management
- Storage of MRBs as secondary captures
- Store XML only?
- Landmarks management rework
- Granular color management
- Single landmarks class
- LPS orientation in Nav phase
Progress and Next Steps
- Reworked the registration landmark support.
- Support any sufficient subset of the complete landmark list
- Registration picking provides better control of order of landmark collection
- Improved color consistency across landmark usage
- Made patient interface styling consistent with rest of application
- Demo’d recent changes to the rest of the NousNav team
- Discussed with other IGT devs the best way to reuse NousNav effort in other projects
- Slicer NavigationAppTemplate: core functionality of the NousNav workflow made available as a reusable template similar to SlicerCAT
- Will tag the 1.0 release at the end of this week.

Background and References
NousNav website