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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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GLSL-based OHIF Viewer Plugin

Key Investigators



Integrate integrated GLSL based algorithmd into OHIF segmentation infrastructure.

Make use of the OHIF plugin infrstructure.

Approach and Plan

  1. Identify best algorithms to work with, probably start with GrowCut
  2. Look at how to pass image data between OHIF and plugin
  3. Come up with reasonable user interfacer

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Working example of GLSL grow cut implemented before project week used as topic for discussion
  2. Developed plans for further integration with OHIF plugin architecture
  3. Explored sharing of GLSL code between OHIF and Slicer (via VTK GPU classes with Kyle)


Example of GLSL GrowCut

GrowCut prototype

Background and References